Easy Craps


Craps is an ideal game for high roller gambling because it provides a factor of uncertainty on the pass line with the opening 7 and 11. The game itself seems complicated, and the table looks formidable, but it is not hard to learn the betting options to start play. The bottom line is that Craps is an easy game to learn, but a difficult game to master. Start out with simple bets at low values and work your way up to higher stakes and varied betting systems to get the best results as you learn. Craps is one of the oldest and most popular casino games in both land-based and online casinos.

Easy Crepes Recipe

Types of Craps Bets

Line Bets:
Single Roll Bets:
EasyMulti Roll Bets:
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On the Hop is a complex craps bet and it is not located on the table. In fact, this is a 'secret' bet that can let players win a lot more money than usual. Basically, this bet is almost the same as the Hard Way bet and Easy Way bet. The only difference is you get paid much more money than with the more common hard and easy way bets. Note that this is a single roll bet, which is also the difference between hard way and easy way craps bets.

Easy Craps Rules

Basically, an 'on the hop' craps bet is wagered when you want the shooter to roll a specific combination of the dice. For example, you can bet that the dice will be rolled and land on (4,1). This would be the same as an easy or soft 5. To make this bet in a casino, just tell the dealer your bet: '4 and 1 on the hop'. For this kind of bet, there are two combinations that can be rolled, so the odds of rolling this are 17:1 and the payout odds are 15:1, which makes the house edge 11.11%. Note that this is the same for any kind of 'soft' or easy way combination of the dice.

Rather than wagering on double numbers on the hard way bet, you can wager them 'on the hop' instead. For example, the dice combination (4,4) would be the same thing as a hard eight, which would usually pay out 9:1. If you said you wanted to bet '4 and 4 on the hop' instead, you would have won 30:1 odds! This is actually fair because there is only one combination for each double or hard number. The actual odds of rolling any hard number such as snake eyes, boxcars, hard 4, 6, 8 and 10 is 35:1. Still, the house edge is 13.89%

In one way this is a 'secret' bet because there are too many combinations of possible wagers to list them all on the craps table layout. Still, the house edge is not that ideal and is actually pretty bad compared to many other possible bets.

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* As of 2021, US players are unable to play the craps game listed above. US players please click the banners on the left side (or below for mobile users) to visit free and real-money craps games at US-friendly casinos.

Often times I'm asked by players to show them a system to play craps that is not complicated and easy to use. The following playing system, which I learned many years ago from the late, great craps teacher Sam Grafstein, meets the requirements. Many spouses of craps players use it as to get their feet wet at the tables. I've also taught it to high rollers who like the system because it's easy to play and they frequently win with it. But the system requires discipline because you won't be betting on every roll of the dice. Here is how you play it.

1. You bet only on the don't pass.
2. If the shooter throws a 4 or 10 as the point, make two more bets on the don't come and then stop betting.
3. If the shooter throws a 5 or 9 as the point, make one and only one additional don't come bet.
4. If the shooter throws a 6 or 8 as the point, do not make any don't come bets.
5. You immediately stop betting on the shooter when he/she either makes his point or throws a natural on the come out roll. Wait until the shooter sevens out and the dice pass to the next shooter to start the betting again.
6. Keep it simple - do not lay odds or vary your bet size.

Don't expect to break the bank with this system. It's designed to slow down your play and generate profits when the table is cold (like three or four point numbers are rolled then the unmentionable 7 shows). If a shooter gets hot, rather then be taken to the cleaners you will not be betting and thus not losing. You'll have staying power and be around to take advtantage when the table turns cold again (we all know that will eventually occur).

If you have no discipline then this playing system is not for you. But if you can control your playing habits, try it. It's easy to play, and when the atmosphere turns cold you'll be quitely raking it in.

REDUCED PRICE! The cost of Henry's best selling instructional video on craps, Craps: Rolling To Win, has been reduced from $34.95 to $19.95 (plus S&H). For a free catalog of Henry Tamburin's products write: RSU, PO Box 19727-CS, Greensboro, NC 27419 or visit his web site at http://www.smartgaming.com.



Easy Craps Bet

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